Jacey fell in love with the go-karts at The Track in Pigeon Forge, TN. Every evening we were at the go-kart places. I'm of course too chicken to drive one of them so her daddy was with her on them.

She finally got brave enough at the Nascar Speedpark to drive one herself. She had so much fun once she conquered her fears.

The second day of vacation we went to the Knoxville Zoo in Knoxville, TN. We had a great time. This is a picture I took of Jacey waiting outside for the zoo to open. Jacey was so excited.

Here is a great picture of a rhino that I took.

They had a petting zoo for the kiddies. Jacey went in to pet and brush the goats, sheep and llama. They were all friendly. She was tickled to brush the animals.

A good shot of a prairie dog.

Beautiful flowers and a butterfly in the Butterfly Gardens at the zoo.

I loved the elephants. They are amazing animals. This one tried to spray everyone that was watching it.

This was the highlight of the zoo for me. The baby chimp is only 3 weeks old. When we got to the chimp house you couldn't see the baby but mama turned around and there was the baby clinging to her. She looked up and saw all of the people watching and she picked the baby off of her and sat it down in front of her for everyone to see him. Mama had to hold him up because he's still too small to sit up on his own or he was too sleepy because when she let him go he just flopped down and went to sleep. It was just sooooo cute!
We did alot more so maybe tomorrow I'll post some more pics of the rest of our vacation.
Take care,
Your pics are fantastic Christy. Looks like you had a great time. I especially love the one of the baby chimp. My son absolutely loves monkeys, he would have been beside himself seeing this.
All the animals in the photos are so familiar to us South Africans. Looked like you all enjoyed the outing. Warm regards from sunny South Africa
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